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Caroline PRUNIERESPartner

After several years practising law in Paris in international business law firms (Salès Vincent & Partners, Franklin) in which she gained experience in business litigation, Caroline Prunieres joined the Bar of Bordeaux in 2002. She was partner in the firm Ribeton Lecoq Boisséson before co-founding the firm JPLM with Christine Jais in 2007.

Caroline Prunieres has a great deal of experience in business litigation, particularly in the industrial and sales sectors. She regularly assists businesses and their leaders before civil and commercial courts, both in structural problems (corporate law) and operational problems (contracts, partnerships, expertise).

Caroline Pruniere is a member of the ACE (Association of Business Advice Attorneys) and is a member of the Association of Collaborative Law in Aquitaine.

Caroline PRUNIÈRES is a member of the Collaborative Law Association of Aquitaine, the Germe network and the Bernard Magrez business network. She is also a member of CEB's board of directors and a volunteer administrator of the CECA.


  • Graduate of Sorbonne University in Paris
  • Master’s degree in business law (1994)
  • DEA in Business Law (1995)
  • CAPA (Professional Certificate in the Legal Profession) (1996)
  • Member of the Bar of Paris (1997) and then the Bar of Bordeaux (2002)
  • Certification de formation en Droit Collaboratif (2015/2016)
  • CentraleSupelec (2017) Certificat de Formation Professionnelle en Droit de la Négociation Raisonnée (certifiée par l'Université de Harvard)
  • Member of ADCA (Association du Droit Collaboratif d'Aquitaine)
  • Member of network Germe
  • Member of Bernard Magrez Business

Languages: French, English, Italian

Areas of expertise

  • Business law
  • Business contract law
  • Competition and distribution law
  • Real estate and construction law


5 rue Duplessy 33000 Bordeaux Contact us by e-mail Tel.: +33 (0)5 35 54 51 30 Fax: +33 (0)5 35 54 51 25